London Fashion Week AW21

倫敦時裝週 2021年 秋冬系列2021

Light_Shadow - London_Taipei

“AETER bags are like urban architecture; they display modernity, neatness, and elegance under various lightings.”

『AETER 的設計如同當代建築;在光影下呈現出現代、俐落、優雅』

The British Fashion Council (BFC) is delighted to announce the provisional schedule for London Fashion Week (LFW) February 2021. Bringing together menswear and womenswear into one showcase which will run from Friday 19th to Tuesday 23rd February 2021 on, as a digital-only event, in response to UK government lockdown measures. Known for its exceptional creative talent, London Fashion Week will once again celebrate excellence in design and creativity while enabling growth for participating designers. 

AETER joined the designer profiles in London Fashion Week

Over 100 additional designers including AETER, will be activating their profile pages with introductions to the brands, their latest work, their social media activity and with links to line sheets and contacts for sales and press requests. Any LFW designers who have profiles on JOOR will have links on their designer profiles to access the digital wholesale platform.

Light_Shadow Collection

The collection takes inspiration from the urban flow of light and shadows. Their successful executions of the concept that follows further unveil the hidden potentials and innumerable possibilities for future products.

When it comes to AETER’s dimensional design, there is no sole component that contributes to its depth and complexity, but copious intertwined lines and curvatures. Every surface, angle, sub-piece, and even unfolded layout –– all seamlessly interwoven with one another. Analogous to crafting a sculpture, AETER delicately carves every detail with accuracy, aiming to demonstrate AETER aesthetic to the utmost.

“Collections of AETER co-exists with light – the artwork speaks with its details and contours in various lighting!”

LUXEAL / Rationality / Silhouettes / Uniqueness /  Style

Consisting of semi-straight lines, the LUXEAL design depicts the copious optical effects of geometric shapes, delivering an expression of passion and style.

LUXEAL Crossbody bag / Check the bag

VERUS Elegance / Sophistication / Delicacy / Tranquility

AETER uses 75 degree angles in the VERUS design. The bag has a robust structure with a narrow top and a wide bottom; curvatures are layered to neatly present its simple elegance.


VERUS Clutch bag / Check the bag


疫情延燒全球,新冠肺炎(Covid-19)讓英國深深受創,英國時裝協會(British Fashion Council)以線上展演的方式呈現倫敦時裝週,更在年初向全世界徵召品牌一起登上這個突破的新舞台。

AETER 從眾多申請品牌中脫穎而出,登上與以往不同的倫敦時裝週! 帶著充滿個性的 LUXEAL, VERUS 系列包款,利用影片的方式呈現品牌設計風格更帶領大家穿梭在台北與倫敦的光影靈感之中。

駐足在城市、建築的角落,等待著光影每個瞬間所給你的怦然心動 — AETER 帶你探索、尋找及發現台北與倫敦的光影美學,結合系列產品俐落線條、堅挺的輪廓、襯墊縫線的立體細節,互相融合堆疊成 AETER 的極致美學。




VERUS Handbag / Check the bag

LUXEAL Clutch / Check the bag


Check more image here _______ Light_Shadow / 光影

London Fashion Week AW21